How We Connect With Women
Women Education
We will collaborate with non-profit organization in women education to ensure women are able to demand their rights.
Women Career
We invite successful women to share their stories and empower more women to focus on their self-development.
Women Health
We encourage women care about their health condition through different activities related to women’s health and wellness.
Women Care
We initiate offline stores activities for local women to enhance their confidence and encourage them to discover unique beauty.
Y.O.U Encourage Local Women to Find Their Unique Beauty
Y.O.U Beauty,jointed with“Komunitas Cahaya Disabilitas”, regularly organized corporate social responsibility activities, through makeup to improve women's confidence, show their unique beauty
Y.O.U Beauty Helps Flood Victims in South Kalimantan
The Y.O.U Beauty team went to the flooded areas of South Kalimantan to provide assistance to the victims and to work with them through the difficult times.
Y.O.U Celebrates Kartini Day for Indonesian Women through an Event “You Deserve Better”
Y.O.U Beauty,jointed with“Komunitas Cahaya Disabilitas”, regularly organized corporate social responsibility activities, through makeup to improve women's confidence, show their unique beauty
Connecting Women Around The World